Wednesday 26 July 2017

Request For Abstracts: Precision Medicine

Health Affairs is planning a theme issue on Precision Medicine, to be published in May 2018. The rapid development of technologies in this sphere has generated important questions for public policy makers, private sector leaders, and the public that we intend to explore in the issue. For our purposes, we define precision medicine as an approach to treating illness that takes into account the variability of human genetics along with environment and lifestyle for better diagnoses, treatments, and outcomes.

We plan to publish about 20 peer-reviewed articles in the issue. This will include several invited overview papers that will explore the boundaries and elements of the field, the state of the science, the outlook for new therapies, and challenges and opportunities considered from various perspectives.

In filling out the issue, we will put a premium on empirical work that provides answers to important questions and provides fresh insights to ongoing discussions in the public and private sectors. We will consider original research, systematic reviews, well-designed case studies, and analyses and commentaries. In addition to work exploring domestic policy issues, we will also consider work that presents experiences and perspectives from abroad.

We invite all interested authors to submit abstracts for consideration for this issue. Editors will review the abstracts and, for those that best fit our vision and goals for the issue, invite authors to submit full papers for consideration for the issue.

In order to be considered, abstracts must be submitted no later than 11:59PM Eastern time, August 14, 2017. We regret that we will not be able to consider any abstracts submitted after that date.

Abstract submissions should not exceed 500 words. Please consult our online guidelines for additional formatting instructions and answers to frequently asked questions.

Submit abstracts via our online submission system.

We thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to pass this invitation along to colleagues who might be interested, as well.

If you have questions about this request, please e-mail

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